The Pioneering Local Businesses on My Town Online

My Town Online has kicked off to a great start in the last few months so we thought what better way to celebrate that to get to know some of the founding members! These local businesses have been showcasing their expert services on My Town Online and we want our readers to learn a bit more about the people behind these small businesses. ?
Today we'll be talking to Nome from Retro Ghost Designs, Maciej (Matt) from VISion Web Design and Marketing and Sarah from Oraculum.
Retro Ghost Designs
Hi Nome, tell us a bit about you and your business.
I'm Nome Jenkins and I'm a Photoshop Artist & Graphic Designer at Retro Ghost Designs.
Describe a typical day in your business
A typical day at RGD starts with a strong cup of tea. I then start to tackle the tasks scheduled for the day, be it marketing & networking or paid work for clients. The ratio of Graphic Design work to Photoshop work is roughly 50/50, so I usually have quite a varied day.
Describe an ideal day in your business
An ideal day would start with a long dog walk to organise my thoughts for the day. I would have a full day of paid work, I would get an enquiry from a new customer, break for a hearty lunch and finish at 5!
Describe the ideal customer you like to help
I like helping small business owners. I often have meetings that begin with a customer who is unsure how to start and unclear about what they want, but finish with a customer who is full of energy, excited about the ideas we have discussed and looking forward to seeing their new design. It's great to watch the transformation.
What unique skills do you have or have you developed to run your business?
I have developed many skills to help run my business. I have learnt about business plans, marketing methods, pricing strategies, free programs that help with day-to-day tasks and have gained confidence at Networking events. I have basically learnt everything but accounting!
Why did you choose your industry/sector or niche?
I have always been creative, so it was important for me to use my strengths. My previous full-time employment was a design-based job that enabled me to grow my Photoshop and design skills to a level that has given me the confidence to go out on my own as a self-employed artist and designer.
What one piece of advice do you wish you had been given before starting your business?
I was lucky enough to find the help I needed very early on, but if I could turn back time, I would probably have taken a short business course before I started…instead I learnt as I went along.
What one piece of advice would you give someone starting out in your industry?
To anyone starting out on their own I would say, join a business group, surround yourself with like-minded people, take all the advice and help you can get and believe in yourself!
What is your ultimate goal for your business?
To have a healthy database of happy customers and to be earning my desired annual income.
What's the most exciting thing you have planned???
Well…My Town Online of course!
What do you enjoy doing when not running your business?
Walking my dog, cycling, arts & crafts and playing the piano.
Tell us some of your life goals?
To be a successful business owner, to be able to afford the ideal 'forever home' and to be mortgage free (or close enough) when I retire.
Tell us something surprising about yourself or your business
I once sung in a band at Guilfest and I've had a go at horseback archery!
Thanks for speaking with us Nome, it was great getting to know a bit more about your business! If you would like to know more about Retro Ghost Designs check this out or explore their website here.
VISion Web Design and Marketing
Hi Matt, tell us a bit about you and your business
My name is Maciej (Matt) Konarzewski. My passion for computers and technology led me to become the owner of a marketing agency VISION MARKETING that specialises in WIX Websites and Digital Marketing.
Describe a typical day in your business
My day starts with a big cup of coffee that slingshots me into a process of creative thinking and action-taking to help my clients find a competitive edge.
Describe an ideal day in your business
My ideal day in business would be to meet purpose-driven people and learn about the goals they want to achieve professionally. I would help them reflect their passion within their business website and deliver a marketing strategy that helps them grow.
Describe the ideal customer you like to help?
The ideal customer would have a growth mindset.?He or she would own a start-up or an established business that needs help with taking their ideas, branding, website and marketing to the next level.
What unique skills do you have, or have you developed to run your business?
My number one skill is building connections with clients on a one-to-one level. I am also good at multitasking and communication.
Why did you choose your industry/sector or niche?
Well, I have always loved technology and all the gadgets. The idea of creating something from nothing inspired me to start my business in the first place. Soon after I realised that helping people to achieve their goals gives me an incredible buzz, so this makes it a great combo!
What one piece of advice do you wish you had been given before starting your business?
Have a process, follow the process, trust the process. As a huge overthinker, having a process to follow helps me achieve goals faster!
What one piece of advice would you give someone starting out in your industry?
The network is your net worth - connect with people who you aspire to be like. Help others to get the experience.
What is your ultimate goal for your business?
My ultimate goal for my business is to help other businesses grow.
What's the most exciting thing you have planned???
An office with a sea view!
What do you enjoy doing when not running your business?
Travelling to exotic places and attending music festivals
Tell us some of your life goals?
To be surrounded by a happy family and to be remembered as a source of positive energy.
Thanks Matt! Great to hear more about VISion ??" if you would like more information about their services, have a browse here or look at their website here.
Hi Sarah, tell us a bit about you and your business
Hi, my name is Sarah Bass and I am Founder and Chief Matchmaker at Oraculum. We provide Outsourced Employee Support and Recruitment Services to SME & HR professionals throughout the employee cycle. I have over 25 years of experience in staffing and helping growing businesses to successfully attract & retain great talent. Discover the path to SMART, affordable, effective staffing. I believe that companies should look at hiring as an investment, not as a cost.
Describe a typical day in your business
A 'typical' day starts early with follow-up calls and answering emails. It can involve client meetings, interviewing candidates, arranging interviews, helping with staff induction & onboarding. A real variety of work with a central theme, talking & helping.
Describe the ideal day in your business
Finding a new job is one of the most important and stressful things for many people. Working hard for your candidates and clients is such an important drive to have in this sector. An ideal day is placing someone 1:1:1. Which means 1 client, 1 role, 1 candidate. This is rare, but it means the client trusts you enough to see exactly who you choose for them.
Alternatively, the best feeling in the world is to 'find' someone a role, this is when you offer a candidate to a business and they have an unadvertised role for them. I also love finding someone their first ever role, or finding someone work after they have been made redundant.
Describe the ideal customer you like to help
Our ideal customers are those who value the work we do. Those who see finding new talent for their team as an exciting opportunity to grow their business - clients who see 'talent' and not simply employees. Clients who consider staffing and recruitment as an investment and not simply a cost.
Strong leaders are great to work with, they nurture, develop and allow talented staff to shine.
What unique skills do you have, or have you developed to run your business?
My superpower is being able to find anyone I need to speak to via telephone. Otherwise, I am resilient, approachable yet confident, patient and most importantly, I have developed my ability to really listen to what people are saying and to be able to read between the lines.
Why did you choose your industry/sector or niche?
It chose me!
What one piece of advice do you wish you had been given before starting your business?
Go Big and enjoy it (you only do this once)!
What one piece of advice would you give someone starting out in your industry?
Be prepared to work hard, embrace it and enjoy it.
What is your goal for your business?
To be the consultancy of choice for SME and growing businesses who want to be the best recruiters they can be. To help as many businesses and candidates as possible to thrive and grow. To have a succession plan for the business.
What's the most exciting thing you have previously planned?
Apart from leaving the UK within a week to become a croupier abroad - my wedding in 4 months!
What do you enjoy doing when not running your business?
So many things. I am quite an active person so I love traveling, the sea, dancing, live concerts, seeing friends, drinking cocktails. On the quieter side, I enjoy tending my allotment, walking the dog, reading, swimming and cooking big meals for family and friends (not at the same time!).
Tell us some of your life goals?
To keep learning and striving to live my best life. To campaign for those who need help and to always find joy in my daily life. To have a farmstead and a little beach shack.
Tell us something surprising about yourself or your business.
I was so determined to start our business on 11/11/11 I literally started with a small computer, a phone and a Yellow Pages. Old fashioned I know, but when you MUST do something you just have to START.
Thanks for speaking with us Sarah! If you would like to learn more about how Oraculum could help you, find more information here or explore their website here.